Influenza virus is difference from a cold virus. Influenza is more serious than a common cold. Influenza can leave you ill for up to 10 days. Most people suffer from a high fever, tiredness and may require bed rest. Complication like pneumonia can follow.
Unlike influenza, a cold virus affects only the nose, throat, and upper chest and last for a few days, usually 2-4 days. The cold symptoms are less severe than the influenza symptoms. High fever is less common and shivering attacks and severe headaches are rare. Muscular pains and vomiting are infrequent and the cough is less severe. There is no vaccine available for colds.
Influenza usually causes epidemics every year during the winter months or change the season. Immunisation against influenza is the best protection. But, when should people get vaccinated? Can the vaccination be given to the children? How safe is the vaccine? etc.
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